I’m Writing this on Magic Mushrooms….🍄

Hey Lovers & deviant sluts!!

The Paz Bizarre Brand is always evolving to ensure I’m bringing you the best experiences possible.

Here are some exciting ways to check me out…

      SYDNEY MARDI GRAS         TOUR is booked out!

SYDNEY March 2023 Tour is ALSO receiving a lot of interest, particularly for SCAT & ADULT BABY FULL DAY sessions. Express your interest now to secure your time with me.

          Bizarre Salon


Emailing paz.pro.switch@gmail.com registers your interest

Mistress Ada and I will be teaming up to enhance your journey into hedonistic pleasure & play!



One thing I would like to express & guarantee you upon beginning our BDSM exploratory journey together, is that I have been cited by no less than ten professional friends recently in total that I am very ‘professional’.

How can a kink provider be ‘professional’?

Well apparently, there are a lot of scam artists out there, & I eased a lot of people with the following :


💎I provide multiple payments options

💎I provide discrete access details & instructions the day or night prior to our session (so great that you don’t have to email me asking me ‘are we still on for …?”

💎I provide discrete notifications the day of our session & reminders (it’s kind of like going to your Dr or ‘gasp’ any other service provider!)

💎Each session is unique & tailored to you (no one size fits all! I actually LISTEN)

💎Consultations are thorough & I provide them to discern what you truly want from the experience

💎I scaffold (i.e so many of you come asking to be ‘pegged really really hard!! And it’s the first time I’ve ever seen you? I’ll act ethically & safely, this is paramount, so, yeah probably not doing that till we get to know each other yeah)

💎I’m prolific! (Yeah I’m out there & vocal & so why would I rip you off or scam you? My brand is everything & I treat my people well because I tend to have a very focused approach & I am constantly refining & exploring our connection).


If I personally had to narrow it down to ONE thing though, it would be.. I stay mindful throughout the entire process… from your first email to me, right until aftercare. So you feel safe in our engagement.

Now I’m off to to explore with a day of newcomers to BDSM…

Let your imagination run wild…

Who knows? You might become a long term or life-long lover!


Best Vibes



Something Bizarre is Coming!

February, 2025 (the new launch date)

Exclusive Offer for Subscribers. Early Bird Discounts Included.

Subscribe Now if you are curious